It’s time to roast some marshmallows by the fire !
After a long day of hiking, you settle down around a campfire. A cute little bunny approaches your campsite. Big long ears, fluffy little tail, glowing red eyes…
“Hey! That bunny tried to bite me!“ In Oh My Brain, you must get rid of all of your cards as quickly as possible to avoid having your brain munched on by a horde of zombie animals!

OH MY BRAIN 🧠 what’s that?
Oh My Brain is a discard game in which you’ll try to get rid of your cards, the zombie animals, before your opponents. While you were quietly roasting Marshmallows by the fire, the zombie animals will try to munch on your Marshmal…brain! You’ll have to get rid of the cards in your hand as well as, more complicated, those in your Graveyard 🧠 You’ ll start the game with 9 brains. In 1, 2 or exceptionally 3 rounds, the player who finishes with the most remaining brains wins the game.
Humorous and clever, Oh My Brain is an ideal game to play by the fire during your next vacation (or not… it works just as well for a snack or a drink with friends!)